вторник, 14 января 2020 г.


Sep 16, Added experimental option to not let your friends know when you read the messages they send to you in chat. Fixed friend lists hiding that was not working all of the times. How to disable SocialReviver Please follow these steps to disable the extension. Added experimental option to mark chat messages as read as soon as they arrive, preventing chat window titlebar to flash. Fixed the Classic Events and Birthdays pages that were not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes. socialreviver firefox

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Fixed FB rendering function that made buddy list always sociwlreviver "Loading Applied better fix to the beta bluebar problem. Fixed edit list link in the buddy list.

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Jun 13, Link the name in chat windows titlebar to contact's profile. I imagine a firefx of extensions are going to have trouble with the constant updates to the site, though.


Fixed chat windows not being opened for some users. Fixed buddy list updating too often with the extension, after some recent FB changes. Show changelog for old versions. Chat Bubbles Style can now be toggled experimental feature.

Download SocialReviver To customize Facebook in various ways

The settings dialog has been renewed and simplified. Please don't use socialrevicer form to report bugs or request add-on features; this report will be sent to Mozilla and not to the add-on developer. Fixed long names not showing when contacts are typing.

This has to end. Fixed the blue top bar for users with Graph Search codename fbFacebar.

Pinterest Enhanced is pretty sweet, though, I highly recommend it! We are sorry, your browser isn't supported yet.

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I was reading a post about places to visit in Slovak. The script doesn't run anymore if FB didn't enable the sidebar to the user. The new type of blue top bar codenames Smurfbar, fbHeaderTest can now be disabled. Fixed a lot of critical issues skcialreviver latest FB changes. Complements regular content blockers.

MSG Data Manager 2. Added option to toggle the Find Friends link in the blue bar. Extension settings are fitefox synced anonymously in the cloud. Fixed popped out chat closing after some seconds.

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Please note that if you are disabling it because you are experiencing a problem with it, we would like you to report the problem here. Mar 06, Added experimental option to not let your friends know when you read the messages they send to you in chat. There's no cover photo, you've forgotten to set the profile picture and no one spends time there. The old Socialrevover tab type is deprecated and will stop working.

It prevents a lot of requests from reaching networks like Google Hosted Libraries, and serves local files to keep sites from breaking. Fixed settings dialog that sometimes was not applying changes to the select boxes.

Well, simply send them a link with exactly where you want them to start watching the video. May 05, Fixed videos in Classic Profile posts that were not being displayed correctly anymore after recent FB changes.

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